PcY4RED RIDING HOOD Rm 7 A ST SCHOOL #1 /Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was nine years old. She lived with her Mother and Father on the edge of a big forest. The little girl had no brothers or sisters. Her Mother worked in a restaurant in the village, her father was a wood cutter. The little girl had three pets, one was a cat called Pom Pom, the other two were both little puppies. Their names were Tubby and Bubbles. The little girl had bright blue eyes and long brown hair that hung down to her waist./ &LRH:WOOD CUTTER >2 #2 /They lived in a small neat cottage with a thatched roof of straw. The cottage had a stone wall. It stood at the edge of a great forest which had paths leading through it. The cottage had a small, but tidy garden. Inside it was free of all dust. It had little furniture but what furniture there was, was arranged in a neat way./ >3 #3 /The little girl's Grandmother lived on the other side of the wood in a small brown and white house that had a little garden with blue and pink flowers in it. There were two steps leading up to the white and brown door. The little girl knew lots of short cuts to get to her Grandmother's house. At this time the little girl's Grandmother had the flu./ >4 #4 /The little girl's Grandmother had given her a red cloak for her ninth birthday and that's how she got the name; Little Red Riding Hood. When she goes to visit her Grandmother on a cold day it keeps her very warm. Her Grandmother loves her very much and she loves her Grandmother. That's why she visits her. Also because she gets very lonely as she has no brothers and sisters. Little Red Riding Hood also takes her something to eat and drink./ &LRH:CLOAK >5 #5 /This particular day Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma was not feeling the best. So Little Red Riding Hood decided to cheer her up. She got some wine and some cigs and then she made a chocolate cake. "Mum, I am going to Grans." "Okay dear, but don't talk to strangers and don't leave the path."/ &LRH:LRH CAKE >6 #6 /Little Red Riding Hood was not long into the forest when she got bored. So she sat down under a tree. Then she started to get scared, so she got up and carried on. On her way she met up with a wolf./ ?Will she talk to him? +9 -7 #7 /Little Red Riding Hood pretended to ignore the wolf. She met some other animals. She looked at them and they looked at her. She walked on but then stopped and looked at them again. She thought that the animals looked like the stuffed ones she had seen in the toy stores in town, but these looked much cuddlier. She longed to pick them up and cuddle them but she had to go to her Grandmother's house. So she started to walk on. The animals watched her go. When she was just about out of sight the animals called after her. "Will you play with us ?" Little Red Riding Hood was surprised that they could talk but she answered them, feeling very silly. "I would like to but I have to go to my Grandmother's house and my Mother said not to talk to strangers or to leave the path." So Little Red Riding Hood went on her way./ &LRH:FOREST ANIMALS >8 #8 /Little Red Riding Hood came near Grandmas. She could see her house through the trees, so she ran up and knocked on the door. "Hello," said Grandma. "Hello," said Little Red Riding Hood. "I've brought you some food and drink." "Thank you, do you want to sit down?" "No thank you, my Mother wants me to do some gardening." She went home./ >0 #9 /"Hello," said the wolf, "What have you got in the basket?" "A bottle of wine, cigs and some cake," said Little Red Riding Hood. "Where are you going?" asked the Wolf./ ?Will she tell him? +15 -10 #10 /Little Red Riding Hood wasn't sure what to say. "Um, I think I was going home, no, I think I was going to the school picnic, um, I can't remember. Um, now I know, yes, I was going to the school picnic." "Are you sure you know where you're going?" asked the Wolf. "I think I am," she said. "You should have made up your mind by now," said the Wolf. "I have now," said Little Red Riding Hood. "Good," said the Wolf, because he was was thinking of following Little Red Riding Hood, and having a tasty meal of children./ &LRH:LRH & WOLF >11 #11 /The wolf arrived at the school picnic, saw the teacher and decided to tell her that she was wanted at the village. The Wolf walked along with the teacher and when no-one was looking ate her up. He pulled off the clothes and put them on. When he went back to the picnic the children said that he hadn't been long./ >12 #12 /Then the children went away. Soon the Wolf had an idea, and went looking for the children. He found them playing in the grass and asked them, "Would you like to play a game?" "No," said the children, "We're already playing one." So the Wolf said, "Who likes, 'What's the Time Mr Wolf'?" "Not us," said the children. "Then who likes Hide and Seek?" "Oh, me, me, me ..." said all the children. But he was really thinking of playing HIDE AND EAT! The children said to the Wolf, "We will just go and ask our mothers and fathers," and off they went. Meanwhile the Wolf was setting traps. Just as he was halfway through, one of the children came back, saw what the Wolf was doing and ran back to tell the other children. Soon the Wolf had finished and all the children came back and the Wolf asked them again if they wanted to play./ &LRH:WOLF PICNIC ?Will they play? +13 -14 #13 /After playing a successful game of HIDE AND EAT the wolf went to sleep under an oak tree. He was so tired after chasing little brats that he fell right asleep. His belly wobbled when he snored. The adults didn't notice this because they were so busy babbling about their children./ >14 #14 /Little Red Riding Hood was asked to have a picnic with the things she had in the basket. (By the Wolf that is.) It was a nice day but she had to take the food to Grans and her Mum would not like her to delay. She would get the worst spanking of her life and she wouldn't want to sit down./ ?Will she take left-overs to Grans? +15 -0 #15 /On her way to Grandmas, she looked in the basket. The wine was white and the cake was chocolate. She decided to pick some flowers to brighten the basket up a bit. There were some flowers about ten metres away from the path. She ran over to them and smelt them as she picked them. After she had picked all of the beautiful flowers, she put them in her basket.She rubbed the pollen off her nose and slowly made her way to Grandma's cottage./ &LRH:FLOWERS >16 #16 /While Little Red Riding Hood was picking flowers the Wolf was taking a short cut to Grandma's house. He got to a clearing and saw a little cottage. As the Wolf got closer he saw a sign saying: HOME SWEET HOME. The Wolf knew that it was Grandma's house because the sign had shaky writing on it. Then the Wolf knocked on the door./ &LRH:SIGN >17 #17 /Gran felt a bit suspicious because Little Red Riding Hood had a lighter knock than the one she had just heard. She wondered if it was Little Red Riding Hood's father, but he didn't visit her very often. She didn't know if she should let the 'mystery person' in. She lay in bed for quite some time trying to decide. She stuck her legs out, then in again. She saw an ear tip through the key-hole. "It's the Wolf!" she said to herself./ &LRH:GRAN ?Will she let him in? +21 -18 #18 /The wolf got so angry he went round to Grandma's bedroom window and climbed in. He started to go over to the bed but Grandma saw him. She grabbed the wine bottle and WHACK! she hit him over the head with it! The wolf was so stunned he stayed in the same place for about five minutes. Grandma was just getting ready to attack him with a bit of broken glass when he came to and ate her./ >19 #19 /The wolf seemed extremely pleased with himself after eating Gran. He decided to sit down. The Wolf burped, the chair tipped up and the Wolf was thrown into the air landing with a BANG on top of the dining table. Suddenly the wolf got very bad stomach pains. Smoke flowed out of his mouth, lightning streaked out of his long pointed ears and fire came out of his dripping nose. Suddenly his stomach burst open and out popped.../ &LRH:SUPERGRAN >20 #20 /Super-Gran's wrist watch scanner detected Little Red Riding Hood, somewhere in the forest.She walked over to the door which she found was locked. She broke it down, (she couldn't be bothered getting the key) and walked out. Meanwhile, Little Red Riding Hood was still picking flowers. She forgot Gran and started eating the left-over cake. While she was doing that, Super-Gran was flying above the forest, looking for her. Little Red Riding Hood finished the cake, remembered Gran and hurried through the wood, trying to find the path. About half an hour later, she reached it and didn't realise she was being pursued by the Wolf's brother. Meanwhile Super-Gran was still flying above the forest, looking for Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood had nearly reached Gran's house, closely pursued by the Wolf. She reached Gran's house and the Wolf climbed through the window. Little Red Riding Hood saw the Wolf's guts all over the bed and fainted. Super-Gran got bored with looking, flew home and saw the Wolf about to eat Little Red Riding Hood. She karate chopped the Wolf in half, rescued Little Red Riding Hood and took her home./ &LRH:GRAN FLYING >0 #21 /The Wolf came in, ate Gran in one gulp and burped. He got into Gran's nightgown because he heard Little Red Riding Hood coming. She knocked on the door, there was no reply to her knocking so she went in./ &LRH:DOOR >22 #22 /Little Red Riding Hood walked into the room. There in bed was Grandma, or was it? 'Grandma' had yellow teeth and whiskers poking out from the covers. And the mess!!! Things were all around the room. Was it Grandma or wasn't it?/ ?Will she go closer? +24 -23 #23 /Suddenly she got the idea that this was the wolf, so she stood back and thought, 'How can I kill this thing?' Little Red Riding Hood looked around the walls; 'What can I use?' Suddenly she remembered the pistol in her basket, she fumbled around and brought it out but it was a..../ &LRH:WATER PISTOL >24 #24 /The wolf jumped out of bed and nearly cracked his skull on the roof. The chase was on; they were running around and around the table. Suddenly the wolf leapt over the table and grabbed her foot. OOOGH! Little Red Riding Hood's shoe came off. The wolf fell on the floor. Soon he grabbed her and popped her into his gob./ >25 #25 /The Wolf got back into Grandma's bed and slept for a long, long time. He snored like a pig and slept like a gorilla./ >26 #26 /When the wolf started to snore he snored so loudly that the whole cottage began to vibrate. While the wolf was snoring Little Red Riding Hood's father went past the shaking cottage and wondered if it was only one of Grandma's terrible hangovers or if she was in trouble. If it was one of Grandma's hangovers he would surely get a bottle over his head but if Gran was in big trouble he would surely get his favourite meal. He did want to get home in time to watch the cricket match./ &LRH:CABIN ?Will he investigate? +28 -27 #27 /He thought that Grandma had been drinking too much so he went back to eating his sandwich./ &LRH:GRAN SLEEPING >0 #28 /He walked into the house and saw the Wolf lying on the bed with Grandma's nightgown on. He was enormously furious so he chopped the Wolf's head off. It fell on his foot. "OUCH!" he said. A few minutes later he found that the Wolf's stomach was going round and round./ >29 #29 /He started to cut open the Wolf's lurching stomach, nervously hoping that Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma were still alive and well. Blood started oozing out of the Wolf's heart. Ten minutes later Little Red Riding Hood`s Dad managed to cut through the Wolf's tough skin. Little Red Riding Hood popped out of the Wolf. Her Dad was overjoyed. She said that it was squishy and dark inside the Wolf and she wanted to have a bath to wash off all the blood,but her Dad said that she would have to wait till they got home./ &LRH:DARK >30 #30 /Next Grandma came out of the Wolf. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wood-Cutter put her back to bed. Then Gran said,"After all that I'm very thirsty, do you think I could have a drink?" "Yes,"said Little Red Riding Hood and poured her one. Then Gran went to sleep for an hour. While she was asleep the Wood-Cutter and Little Red Riding Hood got the house nice and tidy. "I hope Gran likes it," said Little Red Riding Hood. "I think she will," said the Wood-Cutter./ &LRH:GRAN IN BED >31 #31 /"Oh," said Grandma when she woke up, "It's beautiful." So Little Red Riding Hood got some chocolate cake with the cherry on top and some wine and a little plate of jelly beans. After Little Red Riding Hood had had her share she packed up. The Wood-Cutter suggested that it was time to go home./ ?Will they go home? +33 -32 #32 /After they went through the forest they took the Wolf's head to the taxidermist to get it put on a plaque to be put in the living room on the wall. Then Little Red Riding Hood and her father went home and had wolf steak for tea./ &LRH:WOLF HEAD >0 #33 /They arrived home and Mum was very pleased to see them but was angry that Little Red Riding Hood had lost her shoe. Little Red Riding Hood said she would stick to the path in the future so they all lived happily ever after/ >0