Edwards family web pages:Chris/Computing

bash under Windows*

If you’ve ever used the MS-DOS command prompt under Windows, you will have noticed that it is not very good. Fortunately, you can instead run the GNU Bourne-Again Shell, bash, on your Win32 system. (If you’ve used a GNU/Linux system, you’ve probably already used bash.) Some of the nice features of bash are:

I’d suggest that you get the bash distributed with the Cygwin utilities package. The Cygwin distribution consists of all your favourite Unix utilities, ported to run on 32-bit Windows. Well worth the download.

If you decide to switch to bash, please don’t spoil the experience by running it in a Windows console! A far better option, in my opinion, is to use a good terminal emulator like rxvt. Rxvt is faster, resizes easier, has a customisable menu system, a decent scrollback, looks nicer, is much more configurable, and is also free. You can get a Win32 port of rxvt that doesn’t require an X-server here.

Here are some screenshots of bash running in Windows console and in rxvt.

bash in a Windows console

bash in an rxvt

So, how much faster is rxvt? I timed how long it took to cat a large text file to the terminal, both in rxvt and in the standard Windows console, and here are the results:

Cygwin-compiled RXVT console5.0
Microsoft Windows 98 console127.1

The test file consisted of 10,000 80-character lines. The times shown were averaged over five runs, with both consoles set to 80 × 25 characters with no scrollback. Both were run under the same screenmode (1280 × 1024 × 24 b/pixel). The tests were run on my 350 MHz Pentium-II PC under Windows 98.

* No, I’m not inciting violence against Microsoft products, but it’s not such a bad idea…

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